sábado, 16 de maio de 2009

It's hard to...

It's hard to say how i feel today. It's hard to say I miss you. It's hard to say how much i need you. It's hard to say what you mean to me. It's hard to say you're part of me, but you are. It's hard to say how i wish you were here. It's hard to say I'm giving all i have, leaving all behind, but that's what I do, for you. It's hard to face my fears. It's hard to forget those that let me down. Sometimes it's just too hard to go on, sometimes it's just too good to wake up. It's hard the waiting. It's hard to think that I'm not trying enough. It's hard to stand here. It's hard to understand you're away, while I'm seeing and feeling you here. It's hard, but it's not over.

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